Ayganyan Project Guide


One fundamental characteristic of this project is variety. The experience of complexity is part of the whole concept and it can be made in different ways, depending on your personal preferences. This diversity can be confusing. However, presenting and developing the project by using a complex network structure still seems to be the most adequate way of getting closer to the core of the idea behind it all.

Please keep in mind that everything you find here is part of a dynamic, experimental and breathing project that keeps changing and growing all the time. This is life.

1. The Ayganyan Atlas provides a geographical access to the whole project universe. Here you find the patterns of thinking, ideas and concepts, materialized cartographically. A general map offers an interactive overview, maps of continents and island provide more detailed information on hundreds of locations. Furthermore, you can use the search tools as a shortcut to specific places you are looking for.

2. The Ayganyan Documents explain and illustrate single aspects of the project world, like for example special characteristics, life-forms and behaviours, as well as they provide a selsction of essays on the theoretical base of the Ayganyan idea like philosophical and modern scientific visions and images of reality. They all cover a wide range of single subjects sharing the same background. The document section also includes field reports and lyrical texts.

3. The Ayganyan Multimedia Section graphically illustrates the ayganyaic world hictorically, thematically or aesthetically, depending on your personal choice. Here you find circular tours, photo albums, 360 degree panoramic journeys and accompanying texts that take you to selected locations sometimes using more poetical ways.

4. The
Diary gives the visitor the possibility to understand the artistic processes of realization.
(will be online soon)

5. The
Project Lexicon is a digital reference book that explains the main special terms. It also translates many ayganyan, ayganyal and ayganyaic expressions and describes a growing amount locations of special cultural significance.
(will be online soon)

6. The
Introduction To Ayganyal provides an insight into Ayganyal, which is one of the four languages being used and developed in this project. You can check the Ayganyal Grammar Book here or open the dictionary to translate single words or special terms being used in the documents or on other project pages.
(right now only the german versions of the ayganyal grammar book and ayganyal dictionary are available. An english one will be online soon)

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