Ayganyan: Documents

Illustrated Essays

Please click the links in the coloured cells to open the documents.
The roman number in brackets refers to the volumes of the printed edition of the Ayganyan Project
showing where the excerpt was taken from.
Inactive links are only accessible in the german version yet. Translation is being continued.

Continuity and Ayganyan thinking (I)

Biological Patterns
Find I: Souvenir
from Siboyl (VII)
The new abolition
of limitation(I)
Body, mind and spirit
in balance:
The principle of theKoolay (V)
Reality as a construction (I)
Seven times metamorphosis:
Basic information on the
Phulgay (V)
Dichotomy of life:
Temporary biology (V)
Generations in the
pulp of development:
The reproduction
of the Phulgay (V)
Potentials, Dispositions
and the structure of of the
Generally-Potential (I)
with gravity:
The Tsippin peoples (V)
Basic principles
of the Madogi (I)
The form of learning: the life of the Ayganyay (V)
Differenciated look at the terms Madogi, Nikomi and Koy-Ogi (I)

Spiritual Patterns
The virtual project and the
map of my brain (I)
Koay (III)

Time Patterns
The Phulgay Wars (IV)
The Last
Cultural Revolution (IV)

World Patterns
Ayganyan's Moons (I)

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